







Lynne Ireland
Dean Murphy
Carol Davidson
Cynthia Holbeck


Li Ming Wen
Chris Rissel
Karen Wardle
Angela Balafas
Michelle Daley
Maria De Domenico
Brooke Daley/Emma Wood
Lauren Viney and Maxine Goodwin (Research Assistant, Phase 2)



Denise Barry
Simon Willcox



Brown, V., Moodie, M., Baur, L., Wen, L.M. and Hayes, A., 2017. The high cost of obesity in Australian pre‐schoolers. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health.


Xu, H., Wen, L.M., Hardy, L.L. and Rissel, C., 2016. A 5-year longitudinal analysis of modifiable predictors for outdoor play and screen-time of 2-to 5-year-olds. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 13(1), p.96.

Xu, H., Wen, L.M., Hardy, L.L. and Rissel, C., 2016. Associations of outdoor play and screen time with nocturnal sleep duration and pattern among young children. Acta Paediatrica, 105(3), pp.297-303.

Hayes, A., Chevalier, A., D'Souza, M., Baur, L., Wen, L.M. and Simpson, J., 2016. Early childhood obesity: Association with healthcare expenditure in Australia. Obesity, 24(8), pp.1752-1758.


Wen LM, Baur LA, Simpson JM, Xu H, Hayes AJ, Hardy LL, WIlliams M, Rissel C.  Sustainability of Effects of an Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Trial Over Time: A Further 3-Year Follow-up of the Healthy Beginnings Trial.  JAMA Pediatr. 2015 Apr 20. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.0258.

Wen LM, Rissel C., He G. Editorial: The effect of early life factors and early interventions on childhood overweight and obesity. Journal of Obesity, 2015, 964540

Xu  H, Wen LM, Rissel, C.   Associations of parental influences with physical activity and screen time among young children: A systematic review. Journal of Obesity. 2015, 1-23.

Wen, L.M., 2015. A bottle-weaning counselling intervention for parents of 12-month-old infants reduces bottle use at age 24 months but has no effect on child weight. Evidence-based nursing, 18(1), pp.14-14.


Wen LM.  A bottle-weaning counselling intervention for parents of 12-month-old infants reduces bottle use at age 24 months but has no effect on child weight. Evid Based Nurs. 2014 May 23. pii: ebnurs-2014-101825. doi:10.1136/eb-2014-101825. [Epub ahead of print]

Xu, H., Wen, L., Rissel, C., Associations of maternal influences with outdoor play and screen time of two-year-olds: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings Trial. J Paediatr Child Health. 2014 Jun 3. doi:10.1111/jpc.12604. [Epub ahead of print]

Wen, L. M., Baur, L. A., Rissel, C., Xu, H. and Simpson, J. M. (2014), Correlates of body mass index and overweight and obesity of children aged 2 years: Findings from the healthy beginnings trial. Obesity. doi: 10.1002/oby.20700

Hayes, A., Lung, T., Wen, L. M., Baur, L., Rissel, C. and Howard, K. (2014), Economic evaluation of “healthy beginnings” an early childhood intervention to prevent obesity. Obesity. doi: 10.1002/oby.20747

Viney L. Goodwin M. Tackling the challenges in conducting a 5-year longitudinal study of the Healthy Beginnings Trial. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2014, 25, 65–66

Wardle K., De Domenico M, Wen LM.  Understanding infant feeding practices of new mothers: Findings from the healthy beginnings trial. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2014; 32(1), 6-15.

Flood VM, Wen LM, Hardy LL, Rissel C, Simpson JM, Baur LA. Reliability and validity of a short FFQ for assessing the dietary habits of 2-5-year-old children, Sydney, Australia. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17(3):498-509.  


Xu H, Wen LM, Rissel C, Flood V and Baur LA. Parenting style and dietary behaviour of young children: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings Trial. Appetite.2013; (71) 171-177. PMID:23994508

Wen LM, Simpson JM, Rissel C, Baur LA, Maternal junk food diet during pregnancy as a predictor of high birthweight: findings from the Healthy Beginnings Trial Birth, 2013 (40): 46-51

Victoria Flood, Li Ming Wen, Louise Hardy, Chris Rissel, Judy Simpson, and Louise Baur Reliability and validity of a short food frequency questionnaire for dietary habits of 2-5 year old children, Sydney, Australia Public Health Nutrition 2013 May 1:1-12. [Epub ahead of print]

Xu H, Wen LM, Rissel C, Baur LA. Smoking Status and Factors Associated with Smoking of First-Time Mothers During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Findings from the Healthy Beginnings Trial Maternal and Child Health Journal  2013;17(6):1151-7. doi:10.1007/s10995-012-1108-6.

PMID: 22935911


Wen LM, Baur LA, Simpson JM, Rissel C, Wardle K, Flood VM. Effectiveness of home based early intervention on children’s BMI at age 2: randomised controlled trial British Medical Journal. 2012;344:e3732.

Li Ming Wen, Judy M Simpson, Chris Rissel, Louise A Baur Awareness of breastfeeding recommendations and duration of breastfeeding: findings from the Healthy Beginnings Trial. Breastfeeding Medicine (2012) 7 233 – 239


Wen LM, Baur LA, Simpson JM, Rissel C, Flood VM.  Effectiveness of an early intervention on infant feeding practices and “tummy time”: randomised controlled trial   Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2011;165(8):701-707.

Wen LM, Rissel C., Baur L, Lee E, Simpson J. Who is NOT likely to access the Internet for health information? Findings from first-time mothers in southwest Sydney, AustraliaInternational journal of medical informatics. 2011; 80:406-11.

Wen LM, Rissel C, Lee E, Baur LA, Simpson JM. Maternal smoking, weight status and dietary behaviours during pregnancy: findings from first-time mothers in southwest Sydney, Australia. ANZ J Obstet Gynaecol2011;51:31-37.

Wen LM, Simpson JM, Baur LA, Rissel C, Flood VM.Family functioning and obesity risk behaviors: implications for early obesity intervention. Obesity 2011;19(6):1252-8


Wen Li Ming; Flood Victoria M; Simpson Judy M; Rissel Chris; Baur Louise A. Dietary behaviours during pregnancy: findings from first-time mothers in southwest Sydney, Australia. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2010;7:13.

Wen Li Ming; Baur Louise A; Simpson Judy M; Rissel Chris. Mothers' awareness of their weight status & concern about their children. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2010; 34(3): 293-7.

Wen Li Ming; Rissel Chris; Lee Eric. Smoke-free home status and parents’ smoking status among first-time mothers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2010; 34(5):532-533.

Wardle K, Murphy D, Ireland L, Holbeck C, Davidson C, Wen LM, Rissel C. What we learnt – recruiting prenatal mothers to an RCT addressing the prevention of overweight in early childhood? AJAN in 2010, Vol 29,(20):41-45.


Wen Li Ming; De Domenico Maria; Elliott Donna; Bindon Jeni; Rissel Chris. Evaluation of a feasibility study addressing risk factors for childhood obesity through home visits. Journal of Paediatrics and Child health 2009; 45(10): 577-81.

Wen Li Ming; Baur Louise A; Rissel Chris; Alperstein Garth; Simpson Judy MIntention to breastfeed and awareness of health recommendations: findings from first-time mothers in southwest Sydney, Australia. International Breastfeeding Journal 2009; 4: 9.


Wen LM, Orr N, Rissel C. The role of ethnicity in determining access to and acceptability of home visiting for early childhood health and wellbeing. Australian Health Review 2007; 31(1): 132-139.

Zehle K, Wen LM, Orr N, Rissel C. "It's Not an Issue at the Moment": A qualitative study of mothers about childhood obesity. MCN The American Journal of Maternal / Child Nursing 2007; 32(1): 36-41.

Wen Li Ming; Baur Louise A; Rissel Chris; Wardle Karen; Alperstein Garth; Simpson Judy M. Early intervention of multiple home visits to prevent childhood obesity in a disadvantaged population: a home-based randomised controlled trial (Healthy Beginnings Trial)BMC public health 2007; 7: 76.


Zuo Y, Norberg M, Wen LM, Rissel C. Estimates of overweight and obesity among pre-school aged children in Melbourne and Sydney. J Nut Dietetics 2006; 63: 179-182.


Healthy Beginnings: A User's Guide

Wen L M, Baur L, Wardle K, Rissel C, Balafas A. Health Beginnings: A User’s Guide. Health Promotion Service, Sydney South West Area Health Service, NSW Australia, 2010. ISBN 978-0-9805109-2-8.

Wardle K, Wen L M, Baur L, Rissel C. Health Beginnings: A User’s Guide Part Two - Intervention Resources. Health Promotion Service, Sydney South West Area Health Service, NSW Australia 2010. ISBN 978-0-9805109-1-1.